- 我们的分析实验室通过了EPA的认证,使用PTFE或是quartz PM2.5 speciation滤纸过滤沉积物进行分析
- XRF可以分析原子序数从13(铝)到 92(铀)之间的元素
- 所有的光谱分析结果可以追溯至NIST
- 我们可以分析直径从0.1 cm到20 cm的沉积样本
- 常规分析支持25、37和47毫米直径的滤纸。大容量滤纸(8×10 ″)也可以通过圆形穿孔裁剪进行分析
- 支持任何连续采样系统纸带的分析,比如分析来依次采样,离线分析的beta衰减监测仪的纸带
我们的定量分析完全符合EPA Compendium Method IO-3.3: For the Determination of Metals in Ambient Matter Using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy.
SCI researchers have made major contributions to the development and application of source apportionment modeling and pioneered the use of receptor modeling methods in support of control strategies from federal to state implementation plans. We offer a complete set of services for receptor modeling studies including study design, data assessment and control strategies development. We perform source apportionment modeling using US EPA approved models, such as Positive Matrix Factorization, Chemical Mass Balance and UNMIX. A variety of multivariate analysis methods are also used to develop strong weight-of-evidence for source apportionment results. With over 40 years of combined experience and our continuing research in air quality management services, our clients are assured of the most innovative and contemporary approach to air quality data assessment.

SCI provides innovative solutions for evaluating multivariate pollutant data sets collected across a network of ambient monitoring stations. A variety of statistical and graphical tools are used to gauge the spatial and temporal variability of the pollutants over the geographical region of interest. This allows for refined understanding of the various meteorological, topographical, and source emission patterns that facilitate identification of local source locations influencing pollutant variability. Thorough understanding of pollutant variability enables state and federal agencies in effective management of air quality. This also prevents exposure miss-classification in epidemiological studies conducted in support of health-based standards.

SCI prides itself in accepting clients’ unique technical challenges and providing them with results through our innovated technical solutions. Today, 50% of our recent method development projects employ X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) for trace metals analysis; however, we are actively developing non-XRF methods, such as aerosol generation, fugitive emissions sampling, and simulation of stack plumes.
Our method development capabilities have been recognized by the U.S. EPA with a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) award to study coal-fired power plant emissions. Our method development services have assisted companies and research institutes, such as:
- Midwest Research Institute
- Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
- American Petroleum Institute
- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- U.S. Army
- Eli Lilly Company
- Doe Run Company
CES has the unique ability to combine our skills and expertise in instrument development, chemistry, XRF, and data interpretation for designing custom instrumentation that answers specific research and development questions.